Once upon a time a storyteller Once upon a time a storyteller
told stories for 1001 nights. 
Knowing that if her story would not be
exciting (captivating) enough, it would cost her head. 
Nowadays noone looses their head  Nowadays noone looses their head 
for a story anymore, but still
we want the next,
next, next, next next, next, next, next next, next, next, next, next









Jacqueline Korevaar has studied Russian language and theatre. Since 2006 she has worked as an actress, director and drama teacher at many festivals and theatres in the Netherlands. Jacqueline is a storyteller who is fascinated by stories from different cultures and religions. By giving each mythical or folk story a funny, dramatic or sometimes even shameful personal touch, she will tell old stories like she has written them here and now, specially for you. A modern storyteller with a big love for the theatrical and mythical traditions.


Stories are magical. They connect you with another place, another time – in the here and now. I tell stories personally and passionately, to build a connection with you, to connect people to each other and to let the world dance to my stories.


I’m a modern storyteller with a great passion for the mythological and theatrical traditions. I tell to children as well as adults, from fairytales, folktales and mythology to candid personal stories. I especially love stories from magical Russia and from thrilling Arabic culture – but also I like to tell stories connected to my roots in the Netherlands and Switzerland. I tell separate stories (as at the Mezrab) as well as storytelling shows. 

I love to teach groups the base of storytelling. Technique, personal connection and performance are the focus. These workshops can also be interesting for groups who are looking for a new and deeper connection with each other.

I teach children as well as adults. The workshops are tailor made, based on the question and needs of the group.


(Dutch / English / German / Adults / 50 minutes)


Once upon a time a storyteller told for a 1001 nights. Knowing, that if her story wouldn’t be captivating, she would pay with her head. Nooone looses their head over a story anymore, but still we want the next, next, next. What kind of grotesque monster do we hide inside ourselves by numbing ourselves with fast content? It might be time to go back to the monster outside ourselves, as we know from the old tales.

In my debut storytelling shows I mix stories from 1001 nights with my own off head anecdotes, letting the line between fantasy and reality slowly becoming more vague.

(Dutch / German / 10+ / 60 minutes)


Do you know what happens when you blink your eyes? In that short wink of an eye, when you can’t see – what really occurs? Did you know you blink your eyes every 4 to 6 seconds. How can they be capable of seeing the truth? They are much more suitable for fantasy. In the wink of an eye is a mix of fantastic tales from the Middle-East and Jacqueline.

(Dutch / 6+ / 30-45 minutes)


In this show I will take you with musician Danibal to the magical Russian Empire. We loose ourselves in endless woods, stroll through deserts and climb magnificent mountains. On our way we meet our heroes. Our guide is Otsji-Bala, a girl but also a strong and fearless warrior, defending her beloved mountains. Alone she fights the horrific Khan and his army.

We collected stories from the remotest places of the Russian Empire and can’t wait to share them with you.



Almere 187 (2020)

Coaching and performance on storytelling nights at Visavis in Almere. 

This project has as theme the richness of the 187 cultures of Almere. Which stories do they tell? A joint project from Visavis and Mezrab. 

Speak Up! (nov 2020)

Workshop online for Speak Up – Storytelling youth exchange.


Workshops Storytelling in high schools for different ages

Storytelling Festival Vertel! (okt 2020)

Performance show The grinning of a djinn in de Kikker in Utrecht.

Verhalen van mijn onzichtbare familie (zomer 2020)

8 children work one-on-one with a storyteller on making and telling a story about their invisible

Bombardon (2020)

Storytelling workshops for adults, applied storytelling

Sprookjestheater Cultura (2019/2020)

Primary school theatre workshops on fairy tales

The Amsterdam Storytelling Festival (2019)

Performance show the grinning of a djinn in Podium Mozaïek, Amsterdam


WP Kindergemeenschap (2019)

Storytelling workshops for children and adults, applied storytelling

OBA (2019)

Performance at Library

Geschichtenoase (2019)

Performance Open Stage Storytelling Festival Zürich

copyright: Jacqueline Korevaar ::: typography: www.deleatur.com